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The Writers

Caryss Green, '25

Hi, I’m Caryss. I'm a senior, and I am the Chief Editor of The Ensider. I love writing, and this is my fourth year on the newspaper team. In addition to the newspaper, I am also a captain of the fall and winter cheer teams and a part of the lacrosse team.

Jacob Francy, '26

Democratically opinionated but can also write unbiased. Fact check or debate me at my email (

Peter Bryant '26


Allie Bernstein, '27

Hi, I'm a freshman at Ensworth School, who recently moved here from California this past summer. I enjoy writing about interesting current events, people, and more!

Adeline Courtney '27

This is my second year of newspaper and I am looking forward to a good year!

Rhys Dyer '26

My name is Rhys.

Charlotte Figler '27

I'm Charlotte and I do newspaper because I enjoy writing and researching for articles. I also participate in volleyball, lacrosse, and dance marathon here at Ensworth!

Harrison Kilgore '26


Hudson Honeybone '26

I work on the Ensider Broadcast and occasionally write some articles.

Henry Turberfield, '26

Loves long walks on the beach and puppies

Claire Flury '27

Soren Sugalski '27
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