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Are We Too Dependent On Tech?


Nora Brennan, '26

Technology seems to be a constant aspect of every part of our lives. People use them for everything from staying in contact with loved ones, storing information, or figuring out how to crochet. While these are a few of the many benefits of technology, there are also notable downsides. One of the most voiced concerns on this topic is our consistent dependency on such technology. 

Many people’s first instinct when they don’t know something is to “Google it”. This is a common phrase we hear in almost every social or private setting. No one seems interested in trying to think through it on their own or finding another way to figure it out. It’s not bad that we now have immediate access to an abundance of information; it’s bad that the first thing people think to do is to use this for every single thing in life. People are even lazy enough these days to not want to write entire essays or paragraphs on their own. Instead, they get websites, like Chat GPT, to write it for them, with none of their own work or effort put into it. People also use sites where people can pay to have access to previously written information to use as their own work. This is just another example of using a computer to do the work your brain should be doing. 

People also have a strong urge to check their phone or computer numerous times throughout the day. They are constantly compelled to text someone, play games, or even just scroll through social media as a form of escapism. When people are bored, one of the first things many think to do is go on one of their devices and end up doing nothing productive. Eventually, this becomes a habit: the next time they become bored, they scroll on social media again, because that’s the only thing they can think to do. This cyclical behavior traps them in a loop of unproductiveness. They become dependent on using technology to stimulate them when they're bored when really, they should be finding ways to learn and regulate their own behaviors, skills, or social engagement.

Technology is also widely used to help run businesses. In 2023, 95 percent of small business owners in the U.S. said they used at least one technology platform to help run their business. While technology can be very helpful in running a business, it’s not good to become too dependent on it. What happens if your business loses power, and you have no access to your technology? All the finances of your business, employee information, hours worked, paychecks, etc. are all unable to be accessed or used if stored solely in this computer system. If so, the company may have trouble operating. Companies need to be able to use the technology as a tool to help improve business, not as a crutch to lean on.

With technology being woven into every minute part of our lives, we often have no choice but to use it all the time. While the technology itself is not fundamentally bad, it’s the way we use it and become dependent on it that is harmful to us. Be wary of your technology usage and how it impacts you. Be sure to notice how dependent you are on technology so much that you don’t become completely dependent and are unable to operate without it. Technology is wonderful, but it needs to be balanced with your own brain in order to use it healthily. 

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