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The Writers

Caryss Green, '25

Hi, I’m Caryss. I'm a junior, and I am the Chief Editor of The Ensider. I love writing, and this is my third year on the newspaper team. In addition to the newspaper, I am also a part of the fall and winter cheer teams and the lacrosse team.

Jacob Francy, '26

Hi, I’m Jacob. I’m a sophomore, and this is my second year on the newspaper team. I write about everything politics. Glorified school socialist and liberal, hockey player, and cat person.

Hudson Honeybone, '26

Hey, this is my first full year on newspaper. I'm a sophomore and a hockey player who loves writing about philosophy, history, and drugs.

Allie Bernstein, '27

Hi, I'm a freshman at Ensworth School, who recently moved here from California this past summer. I enjoy writing about interesting current events, people, and more!

Nora Brennan, '26

Hi, I’m Nora. I’m a sophomore, and it’s my first year doing newspaper. In addition to writing, I like to swim, and I participate in theater sometimes!

Jeniah Cauthen, '26

Hey,  I'm Jeniah Cauthen.  I'm a sophomore, and it is my first year of newspaper at Ensworth. I will have a podcast with the newspaper team as well.  I also participate in volleyball at Ensworth.

Adeline Courtney, '27

Hi, I’m Adeline. I am a freshman and this is my first year on the newspaper team. Not only do I like to write, but I love tennis and have recently started playing golf. I am looking forward to this year and learning to grow as a writer! 

Rhys Dyer, '26

I’m Rhys, a sophomore at Ensworth. I’ve been at Ensworth since Elementary school. I like playing soccer and video games!

Charlotte Figler, '27

Hi, I’m Charlotte. I am a freshman and this is my first year on newspaper. I love to write, but I also participate in the volleyball and lacrosse teams!

Harrison Kilgore, '26

I'm Harrison.

Tyler Roh, '27

Hello, I’m Tyler Roh. I’m a freshman and I am new on the Newspaper team. I’m an amateur fisherman and would love to go to Harvard someday. I’m looking forward to writing this year!

Gabrielle Snell, '25

I’m Gabbie! I’m a junior and this is my first year doing newspaper. I would be a part of the podcast team. At Ensworth, I play volleyball, run track, and participate in basketball cheer. I am so excited to participate in newspaper this year!

Henry Turberfield, '26

I'm Henry Turberfield, I'm a sophomore at Ensworth. I've been at Ensworth for 6 years. I like cats, video games, and Publix.
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